Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Weiner Emerges Yet Again

Anthony Weiner, husband to Hillary partner Huma Abedin, has once again been caught sending pictures of his penis.  This appears to be the end of their marriage.  It is convenient for the Clinton campaign, which can once again capitalize on sympathy from the public to obscure Huma's connections with radical Islamic organizations. 

Transiting Jupiter at 27 Virgo is sextile Weiner's Pallas at 27 Scorpio -- Jupiter transits against Pallas are generally present when violations of ethics become public.

Transiting Pluto is opposite Weiner's progressed Moon at 16 Cancer -- death of female relationship and family.

Transiting Chiron is opposite Weiner's progressed Venus -- injury to relationship.

Now all they need to do is find some way to blame Weiner on Trump

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